Wednesday 27 January 2016

#foodie: Paleo chorizo and egg breakfast muffins

When I first started googling breakfast recipes, I was a little apprehensive. I have a massive sweet tooth, and have always gone for cereal options, but knowing how much sugar is packed into them, I thought it might be time for a change. Leaving the house at 7am doesn’t ever leave much time for a big breakfast; as much as I’d love to cook scrambled eggs every morning, it’s just not viable! I came across this recipe on Pinterest for chorizo egg muffins, and they are DELICIOUS. These little babies are perfect for grabbing on your way out the door and they’re so easy to make. Even I, a natural born burner of baked goods, could make it. So you can definitely do this!

8 eggs
80ml water 
100g diced chorizo 
Cheddar cheese
Spring onion

How to do it:
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius 
  2. Pan-fry the chorizo until browned (I use coconut oil, but you could use olive oil or any other cooking oil)
  3. Whisk up the eggs and water together until thoroughly mixed and beaten
  4. Add the cooked chorizo to a lined muffin tin. If you want any other vegetables, add them in now!
  5. Pour the egg mixture over the top of each muffin case until it is 3/4 full
  6. Pop in the oven for 15 minutes, or until a toothpick in the middle comes out clean.
  7. Enjoy!

Keep these in an airtight container, and enjoy on their own or microwave them and have them on toast. Lovely stuff, right?

Thursday 21 January 2016

#bblogger: Liz Earle Superskin moisturiser review

Liz Earle Superskin Moisturiser

I know I'm a little late on the bandwagon here, but holy smokes, this Liz Earle moisturiser has changed my life. Truth. Kind of dramatic, but yeah. 

I've always suffered from really dry, irritated, patchy skin. So dry that even the extra dry moisturisers wouldn't touch my flaky patches. Paints a pretty picture, no? I received this moisturiser as part of a set for Christmas, and to be honest, I kind of overlooked it. I like Liz Earle as much as the next person, and I'm a big fan of their ethos on the whole, but I find it hard to get excited about new skincare when I know deep down it will be a disappointing.

BUT FEAR NOT MY FRIEND! Fast forward 2 weeks, getting ready for the first day back at work, I mislaid my usual (average) moisturiser. How things always go missing in my tiny 1 bedroom flat is beyond me... Anyway, in a panic, I grabbed the Liz Earle Superskin moisturiser. Lo and behold! For the first time in what feels like forever, my foundation didn't cling to my, aforementioned, disgusting flaky skin. I genuinely admired myself about 8 times throughout the day. And there was me about to write off the moisturiser as another mediocre product!

The texture is creamy, as any moisturiser, but it sinks into the skin wonderfully without leaving any kind of greasy film on the skin. It is scented with natural neroli, which I adore, but they also do an unfragranced alternative which is great if you have particularly sensitive skin. 

I know I might be raving about this, but it really is a wonder cream! Anything that lasts through my morning and evening commute 5 days a week is a winner for me. I used to look like I aged about 5 years as the day wore on, but now people actually compliment how fresh I look at the end of the day! I believe the expression goes ‘winner, winner, chicken dinner’. 

Immediate holy grail.

What are your must-have skincare products?

Monday 11 January 2016

Morning dew.

A clean fresh blog. Nothing better, amiright? I’m not going to lie, it’s a little daunting having a blank canvas in front of you. Like a frosty morning, you feel a little nervous at stepping out onto the crunchy morning dew, all whilst running to get your shoes on so you can make your mark all over it. This obviously applies to more than just a blog, but that’s a topic for another day. It’s an addictive feeling, starting a new blog. Some people like rollercoasters, I get thrills from finding the perfect domain name. Recently I have found that I can never get a blog off the ground. I have this need to customise, perfect, plan, without actually producing any content. But life is short, I know you’ll agree, so I’ve decided to walk before I run, and post while I spruce up the site.
It feels good to be writing again, and while I get this blog up and running (bear with me, I sense late night coffee breaks on the horizon), I’ll share with you my thoughts on beauty, lifestyle, travel and probably just about anything that pops into my overactive mind.
I’m sure we’ll speak again soon.